POSTED BY The Editor | Jul, 03, 2024 |

A very successful and oversold-out MSBCA Sunday Lunch in April 28th2024 at MSBCA Clubhouse, was our delicious chicken nasi kerabu with lovely mango sago dessert set plus, on sale an extraordinary kaya served on infused pea flowers glutinous rice kuih, and tubs of kaya by Team Baba Nyonya.   Delicious homemade curry puff donated by Vincent and Joycelyn was on sale too.  All items were sold out and received many awesome comments from our members, friends, and visitors from out of town.

Our grateful appreciation to Team Baba Nyonya especially Rosalind who bought some of the ingredients all the way back from Malaysia, prepared for many days with her team of cooks Irene, Casey, Lily, Pham Chau, Kathy and Theresa.  Plus, the many wonderful support volunteers James, Vincent, Dominque, Giva, Jenny, Peter, and Paul before and during the event.

Some of the lovely singers from our MSBCA Singing group came up with songs and performances during the lunch and were enjoyed by all.   Thank you for your continuous and dedicated support to our MSBCA community!