POSTED BY The Editor | Nov, 01, 2021 |

We Can’t Wait To See You, MSBCA Members!

Has Covid killed your motivation? Attending MSBCA virtual or in-person event is one way to kickstart your motivation. The best part about virtual events, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to attend!!! Thanks to Covid!

We can’t change the fact that the pandemic exists, but we can seek positivity about the future. Let’s restore some of those pre-pandemic motivations and return to a much happier life. Let’s focus less on ourselves, more on others, and how we can get back to community.

Did you know that community living and social connections can provide positive, protective health benefits?

We would love to hear your suggestions, your hopes and dreams for MSBCA as we gradually and safely move into the re-opening of our clubhouse. Please do not be shy!! Drop us a note by completing the contact form. See ya, soon!!

Calendar of Events 2021

November 4th – Diwali
November 7th – Daylight Saving Time
November 11th – Remembrance Day
November 13th – Home Organizing | Room To Breathe – Virtual Seminar
November 27th – Functional Fitness – Virtual Seminar
December 11th – Christmas Party – MSBCA Clubhouse
December 23rd & December 24th – AGLC Casino
December 31st – New Year Eve’s Party – MSBCA Clubhouse

Further details about the events TBA

In order to reopen the clubhouse for activities again, we must implement the Restriction Exception Program. Further details will be provided in our November newsletter.

Note: Activities are subject to change as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Please check our website for updates or send an email to   

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